
This video, which was shot inside a bus on the road to Paris, testifies the effect of dusk and rain in the moving blurred landscape. The colors and shapes formed by the combination of light and movement evoke a unique trip through an imagined land. Original soundtrack by Canadian musicians Thierry Gauthier and Delphine Measroch.
Selected Screenings and Exhibitions:
Berlin International Directors Lounge | Berlin, Germany
Aza Film Festival | Greece
FOCFEST International Video and Film Festival | Portugal, Turkey and Armenia
HTTPVIDEO Festival | online
Outcasting Season 4 | online
Intimidade Pública | Brazil
Livre – Mostra de Vídeos Experimentais | Brazil
Mostra Audiovisual Paulista | Brazil
Re:Play Kika Nicolela | Brazil
Kika Nicolela Retrospective | Brazil

Best Video nomination at the HTTPVIDEO Festival